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Praveen Kumar

I am a Cat Lover


Let me introduce myself.

People call me Praveen or PravMan. I am an ailurophile, vegetarian, and an experimental chef. Well, I would like to experiment as much as I can, on food and my life. My body is made up of HTML & CSS, which is literally me! This defines me as a Full Stack Web Developer (Front End, Back End, Middleware, Whatever...).

Oh yeah, I am a highly motivated, passionate hard-core web developer with diverse experience in developing web applications, hybrid mobile apps, and cloud computing solutions ranging from working on cute layouts, payment gateways etcetera and the list goes on till making a clone, better than Facebook. Yup, you heard it right. I did make a clone of our favourite social network from scratch.

Once upon a time, I was consistently ranked as top 0.01% developers in Stack Overflow. I stopped contributing much after achieving 100k reputation points. I am also a Pluralsight Mentor, Thinkful Mentor and a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in the field of Visual Studio & Development Tools.


Web Developer, Graphic Designer, and a User Experience Architect.
Masters in Cloud Computing with Industry with Distinction ★★★, University of Leicester, England.
12+ years Industrial Experience.

  • Praveen Kumar Purushothaman
  • 22 March, Every Year
  • Front End Architect, Cloud Computing Consultant


I am more of a Front End person than a developer. I have a huge passion in developing applications using PHP & MySQL, and now it is totally shifting to the trending MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) Stack. Got featured in Top Developers to Sponsor on GitHub.

Web Application Development 95%
HTML & CSS, JavaScript 100%
Mobile Application Development 95%
Graphic Design 90%
Cloud Computing 85%


A variety of experiences all over the world.


React JS Specialist November 2019 - Present

Headforwards Solutions

Full Stack JavaScript (React JS) Specialist April 2018 - November 2019


User Experience Engineering Analyst November 2015 - April 2018

Universal Business Team

Software Development Engineer August 2015


Software Developer June 2015 - July 2015


Growth Hacker June 2014 - February 2015

Tata Consultancy Services

Front End Architect / Research Scientist November 2010 - September 2013


The stuff I am made up of.

Masters in Cloud Computing with Industry

University of Leicester (Distinction) 2013 - 2015

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

Anna University (First Class) 2006 - 2010
completed projects
facebook friends
current projects


Check out my latest and greatest creations. Get in touch with me to learn more about them in detail.


Look at what people say about me.

Keep in Touch

Speak to me if you have any questions.

Contacting Me

Feel free to talk to me about anything that bothers you. If you need a helping hand, please don't hesitate to contact me. Got a question on the services that I provide? I am just a click away.

I live in the England's time zone, if this helps.

Say Hi to Me

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